
Ella Glover Design Freelance

Full-time, project based or ongoing freelance


Time Zone
Auckland, NZ

Need design support for your business but don’t have the capacity to hire someone full time? Ella is your one stop shop for every design need. One off projects or regular, ongoing support - she’s always available, regardless of your location or timezone.

Have a new project in mind? Schedule a 15 minute discovery call to find out how Ella could help your business.

Ella Glover Design Freelance Web Designer Webflow


Sometimes a freebie UI kit won’t cover all of your needs - and the next thing you know, you’ve hacked everything apart. Ella can take your existing user interface styles or basic brand style guide and transform it into a reusable component library. Designed bespoke to fit your business, as well as be flexible when you need to scale. Projects can vary from basic screens, to an entire site redesign with handover to developers.

  • Full Website Design
  • Full Website Implementation
  • User Interface Styleguides
  • Bespoke, Interactive Icon Sets
  • Component Driven Design Systems
  • Developer Handover
Ella Glover Design Freelance UI UX Product Designer Berlin Female Sexual Empowerment Prototyping

UX + Prototyping

Development taking too long and blowing the budget? Simulate your concept through prototyping before committing to month long, resource heavy build outs. Test your MVP ideas with your target audience to gain proof of concept. Or just want to get a feel how your designs behave instead of guessing from static screens? Have Ella prototype it first.

  • User Flows
  • Conversion Optimisation
  • Rapid Prototyping
  • User Testing + A/B Testing
  • Design Sprint Prototyping

Ella is an effective communicator. Motivating, inspiring and a highly respected expert across departments, independent of hierarchy levels.

In short - she keeps 13 devs busy (and happy!).

Isabelle Braun, Digital Director
sixx & fem // ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE
Ella Glover Design Freelance Dog Branding New Zealand

brand identity

For business owners who need more than a fiver logo. Ella creates bespoke brand identities for any type of business. Previous clients vary from pet food, recruitment, beauty, to insurance and investment funding. The results always have one thing in common: impactful and memorable branding. Leveraging her experience as a senior art director, the outcome is agency standard, without the price tag.

  • Design Direction
  • Logo Variations
  • Styleguide
  • Corporate Identity
  • Bespoke Iconography Sets
  • Digital Branding
Ella Glover Design Freelance BIT Capital Corporate Designer

brand Collateral

Your business is more than a logo plonked in the corner of every document. Extend your identity across various types of media and platforms, to remain in the minds of your customers.

Small scale print - business cards, letterheads (printed and ready-to-use digital templates), informational documents, branded stationery.

Large scale print - conference materials, standing banners, furniture consultation, vehicle branding, OOH (out of home advertising).

Digital Advertising - landing pages, google banners, social media assets and ads, email footers, SEO. 

get in touch

Book a 15 min intro call

to discuss your design needs

quick book